Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

Room 118/119 - First Floor Levy Mwanawasa [r18_19.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
 Mon   SMS4922 - Strategic ManagementCCS1401 - Computing and ICT Skills Group 1SLA1201 - Constitution and Basic Human RightsBBA4232 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship BAC2101 - Financial Accounting
 TueSLA2471 - Business and Corporate Law Group 1 BBF2301 - Monetary and Financial System CCS1401 - Computing and ICT Skills Group 2BBF1301 - Introduction to Financial Markets Group 2 SLA3221 - Contract Law 2
 WedSLA4421 - International Law BBF1301 - Introduction to Financial Markets Group 1 SLA2471 - Business and Corporate Law Group 1BBA4232 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship BBF1301 - Introduction to Financial Markets
 Thu   BBF2301 - Monetary and Financial System SMS4922 - Strategic ManagementBAC3501 - Advanced Taxation SLA2471 - Business and Corporate Law
 FriSLA4421 - International Law BBF1301 - Introduction to Financial Markets Group 1 CIT2241 - Business Information Systems Group 2BBF1301 - Introduction to Financial Markets Group 2 CIT2351 - Network Design and Security
 SatCCS3241 - Software Quality Assurance Testing CAS5522 - Tools and Methods for AI SLA4321 - Law Of Evidence (Parttime)     


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