Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
BAC2101:BAC2101 - Financial Accounting (2/2)
(R) R18/19:Room 118/119 - First Floor Levy Mwanawasa
Mon [17:30-18:30]...[18:30-20:00] (2)
(L) JC_SDF:Jacob Chikwanda (Mr)
(C) BPS21:BPS21 - Bachelor of Science in Procurement and Supplies Second Year
(C) BSA21:BSA21 - Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Online Second Year
(C) BSAC21:BSAC21 - Bachelor of Science in Accounting Second Year
(C) BDF21:BDF21 - BSc in Development Finance Second Year
(C) BBC21:BBC21 - Bachelor of Computing with Business Second Year
(C) BMM21:BMM21 - Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management Second Year
(C) BBE21 :BBE21 - Bachelor of Business Entreprenuership Second Year
(C) BBA21:BBA21 - Bachelor of Business Administration Second Year
(C) BFI21:BFI21 - BSc in Finance and Investment Mgt Second Year
(C) BEC21:BEC21 - Bachelor of Arts in Economics Second Year
(C) BBF21:BBF21 - Bachelor of Science in Banking & Finance Second Year
(C) BAF21:BAF21 - Bachelor of Accounting & Finance Second Year
(C) BAFS21:BAFS21 - Bachelor of Arts in Financial Services Second Year
(C) BACC21:BACC21 - Bachelor of Accounting second Year
(C) BAE21 :BAE21 - Bachelor of Accounting With Education Second Year
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