Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
CIT3311c:CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security (1/1)
(R) Lab210:Lab210 - Second Floor Levy Mwanawasa Building
Thu [12:30-14:00] (1)
(C) BScSCS31:BScSCS31 - Bachelor of Science in Security and Crime Science Third Year
(C) BScIT31:BScIT31 - Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Third Year
(C) BBC31:BBC31 - Bachelor of Computing with Business Third Year
(C) BCE31:BCE31 - Bachelor of Computing With Education Third Year
(L) AZ:Aaron Zimba (Assc Prof)
(C) BScNE31:BScNE31 - Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering Third Year
(C) BscSC31:BscSC31 - Bachelor of Science on Computer Science Third Year
Mimosa Scheduling Software
Mimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (27/03/2025 10:00)