| Mon | CIT4361 - Digital Forensics | | CIT4351 - CCNA CYBER Security Operations | | CIT3381 - Organizational and Societal Security | CIT4381 - Corporate Security, Security Policy and Standardisation | | CCS2131 - Data Structures and Algorithms
| Tue | CCS1501 - Engineering Mathematics Group 1 Tutorial | | CIT381 - Professional and Career Development in IT | CIT1342 - Introduction to Security and Crime Science | CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security | | | | CAS5831 - Data Management and Processing
| Wed | SMS3591 - Urbanisation & Urban Policy | | CIT221 - E-Business | | CCS131 - Mathematical Skills for Computing | CIT4351 - CCNA CYBER Security Operations | | CCS3211 - Software Requirements Engineering
| Thu | CIT221 - E-Business | | CIT1342 - Introduction to Security and Crime Science | CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security | CIT381 - Professional and Career Development in IT | CIT3381 - Organizational and Societal Security | | CIT5241 - Information Retrieval and Web Search
| Fri | | | | CCS131 - Mathematical Skills for Computing | | CIT4361 - Digital Forensics | CIT4381 - Corporate Security, Security Policy and Standardisation | | CIT5621 - Systems and Information Security
| Sat | | | | CASB102 - Computer Networking for Data Science Parttime | | | | | | | |
| 08:00-09:00 | 09:00-10:00 | Break | 10:30-11:30 | 11:00-12:30 | 12:30-14:00 | 14:00-15:00 | 15:00-16:00 | 16:00-17:00 | 17:00-17:30 | Part-time | 17:30-18:30 | 18:30-20:00