Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
sem1 de tb2025.mfw
SMS3191:SMS3191 - Managing Strategic Risk (8/8)
(01/02/2025 - 07/02/2025)
(C) BEF31-DE:BEF31-DE Bachelor of Economics & Finance Third Year (Online)
week1 [01/02/2025...07/02/2025] (8/8)
Sun [08:00-09:00]...[09:00-10:00] (2)
Sun [14:00-15:00]...[15:00-16:00] (2)
Tue [17:30-18:30]...[18:30-20:00] (2)
Thu [10:30-11:30]...[11:30-12:30] (2)
(L) LS:Loti Saidi (Mr)
(C) BHR31:BHR31 - DE Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management Third Year (Online)
(C) BAFS31-DE:BAFS31-DE Bachelor of Arts in Financial Services Third Year (Online)
(C) BFI31-DE:BFI31-DE BSc in Finance and Investment Mgt Third Year (Online)
(C) BPS31-DE:BPS31-DE Bachelor of Science in Procurement and Supplies Third Year (Online)
(C) BSA31:BSA31- DE Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Third Year (Online)
(C) BSAC31:BSAC31 - DE Bachelor of Science in Accounting Third Year (Online)
(C) BAE31 - DE:BAE31 - DE Bachelor of Accounting With Education Third Year (Online)
(C) BAF31-DE:BAF31-DE Bachelor of Accounting & Finance Third Year (Online)
(C) BBA31-DE:BBA31-DE Bachelor of Business Administration Third Year (Online)
(C) BBE31-DE:BBE31-DE Bachelor of Business Entreprenuership: Third Year (Online)
(C) BBF31-DE:BBF31-DE Bachelor of Science in Banking & Finance Third Year (Online)
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