Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
sem1 de tb2025.mfw  

NCC Level 5 - DE DCDS Diploma in Computing with Data Science (Online) [nccl5dcds-de.ics]
(01/02/2025 - 07/02/2025)
03/02/2025MonCIT381 - Professional and Career Development in IT CIT351 - IT Project Management CAS311 - Introduction to Data Science and Big Data     
04/02/2025TueCIT381 - Professional and Career Development in IT    CIT351 - IT Project Management    
05/02/2025WedCIT381 - Professional and Career Development in IT CIT351 - IT Project Management CAS311 - Introduction to Data Science and Big Data     
06/02/2025ThuCIT381 - Professional and Career Development in IT CAS311 - Introduction to Data Science and Big Data  CIT351 - IT Project Management    
07/02/2025Fri   CAS311 - Introduction to Data Science and Big Data        


Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (06/02/2025 09:10)