Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
sem1 de tb2025.mfw  

Muyunda Nyambe (Mr) [mn_pt.ics]
(01/02/2025 - 14/02/2025)
01/02/2025Sat   SMS4742 - Public - Private Partnerships and Projects  SMS1511 - Introduction to Public Administration SMS3841 - M&E indicators & Measurement 
02/02/2025SunSMS3821 - Theory & Models of M&E    SMS2541 - Comparative Public Administration SLA3561 - Labour Law and Occupational Wealth 
03/02/2025MonSMS3841 - M&E indicators & Measurement    SMS1511 - Introduction to Public Administration SMS3821 - Theory & Models of M&E 
04/02/2025TueSMS4742 - Public - Private Partnerships and Projects  SMS2541 - Comparative Public Administration SLA3561 - Labour Law and Occupational Wealth SMS3841 - M&E indicators & Measurement 
05/02/2025WedSMS4742 - Public - Private Partnerships and Projects  SMS3841 - M&E indicators & Measurement    SMS1511 - Introduction to Public Administration 
06/02/2025ThuSMS4742 - Public - Private Partnerships and Projects     SMS2541 - Comparative Public Administration SLA3561 - Labour Law and Occupational Wealth 
07/02/2025FriSMS3821 - Theory & Models of M&E SLA3561 - Labour Law and Occupational Wealth SMS1511 - Introduction to Public Administration    
08/02/2025SatSMS3821 - Theory & Models of M&E SMS3841 - M&E indicators & Measurement SMS2541 - Comparative Public Administration    


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