Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

Michael Mulenga (Mr) [mm_pt.ics]
(05/10/2024 - 18/10/2024)
05/10/2024Sat      SEC4211 - Renewable Energy    
06/10/2024Sun   SEC3182 - Population Economics SEC4171 - Energy Economics  SEC2312 - Thinkers and Theories in Development
07/10/2024Mon          SEC4211 - Renewable Energy
08/10/2024Tue      SEC4171 - Energy EconomicsSEC3182 - Population Economics SEC2312 - Thinkers and Theories in Development
09/10/2024Wed        SEC4211 - Renewable Energy   
10/10/2024Thu      SEC4171 - Energy EconomicsSEC2312 - Thinkers and Theories in Development SEC3182 - Population Economics
12/10/2024Sat   SEC4211 - Renewable Energy SEC4171 - Energy Economics  SEC3182 - Population Economics
13/10/2024Sun   SEC2312 - Thinkers and Theories in Development       

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.5 (08/10/2024 14:12)