05/10/2024 | Sat | | | | SLA5691 - Advanced Company Law | | SLA5702 - Patents and Trademarks | | | SLA5671 - Corporate Insolvency
06/10/2024 | Sun | SLA5601 - Graduate Directed Research Methods | | SLA5691 - Advanced Company Law | | SLA5702 - Patents and Trademarks | SLA5671 - Corporate Insolvency | | SLA5652 - Legal Aspects of International Finance
07/10/2024 | Mon | | | | | | | | | SLA5601 - Graduate Directed Research Methods | | SLA5642 - Banking Law and Financial Regulations
08/10/2024 | Tue | | | | | | | | | | | SLA5652 - Legal Aspects of International Finance
09/10/2024 | Wed | | | | | | | SLA5702 - Patents and Trademarks | SLA5601 - Graduate Directed Research Methods | | SLA5671 - Corporate Insolvency
10/10/2024 | Thu | | | | | | | | | SLA5691 - Advanced Company Law | | SLA5642 - Banking Law and Financial Regulations
11/10/2024 | Fri | | | | | | | | | SLA5642 - Banking Law and Financial Regulations | | SLA5652 - Legal Aspects of International Finance
12/10/2024 | Sat | SLA5601 - Graduate Directed Research Methods | | SLA5691 - Advanced Company Law | | SLA5652 - Legal Aspects of International Finance | | | |
13/10/2024 | Sun | SLA5671 - Corporate Insolvency | | SLA5642 - Banking Law and Financial Regulations | | | | | | SLA5702 - Patents and Trademarks
| 08:00-09:00 | 09:00-10:00 | Break | 10:30-11:30 | 12:00-12:30 | Lunch | 13:30-14:30 | 14:30-15:30 | 15:30-17:30 | Part-Time | 17:30-18:30 | 18:30-19:30