Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
sem1 de tb2025.mfw  

LLM - DE Masters of Laws in Taxation and Investment Law Online [llm.ics]
(01/02/2025 - 14/02/2025)
01/02/2025Sat   SLA5632 - Economics of Taxation SLA5652 - Legal Aspects of International Finance    
02/02/2025Sun         SLA5652 - Legal Aspects of International Finance 
03/02/2025MonSLA5653 - International Investment Law SLA5642 - Banking Law and Financial Regulations       
04/02/2025Tue   SLA5653 - International Investment Law    SLA5652 - Legal Aspects of International Finance 
05/02/2025WedSLA5632 - Economics of Taxation    SLA5642 - Banking Law and Financial Regulations    
06/02/2025ThuSLA5642 - Banking Law and Financial Regulations    SLA5653 - International Investment Law SLA5632 - Economics of Taxation 
07/02/2025FriSLA5642 - Banking Law and Financial Regulations SLA5653 - International Investment Law SLA5632 - Economics of Taxation    
08/02/2025Sat      SLA5652 - Legal Aspects of International Finance    

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (22/01/2025 17:02)