Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
sem1 de tb2025.mfw  

BBE11-DE Bachelor of Business Entreprenuership First Year (Online) [bbe11-de.ics]
(01/02/2025 - 14/02/2025)
01/02/2025SatBBF1301 - Introduction to Financial Markets          
02/02/2025SunBAC1201 - Cost Accounting SMS1281 - Academic Writing SMS1901 - Introduction to management BBF1301 - Introduction to Financial Markets 
03/02/2025Mon   BBA1102 - Principles of Marketing       
04/02/2025TueBBA1102 - Principles of Marketing BAC1201 - Cost Accounting BBA1202 - Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship    
05/02/2025WedBBA1202 - Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship SMS1901 - Introduction to management BBA1102 - Principles of Marketing    
06/02/2025ThuSMS1281 - Academic Writing BAC1201 - Cost Accounting       
07/02/2025FriBBA1202 - Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship SMS1901 - Introduction to management BBF1301 - Introduction to Financial Markets BAC1201 - Cost Accounting 
08/02/2025Sat   BBA1102 - Principles of Marketing    SMS1281 - Academic Writing 
09/02/2025SunBBF1301 - Introduction to Financial Markets SMS1281 - Academic Writing SMS1901 - Introduction to management BBA1202 - Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship 


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