Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
sem1 de tb2025.mfw  

Aaron Zimba (Dr) [az_ft.ics]
(01/02/2025 - 14/02/2025)
01/02/2025SatCIT3311 - Computer and Network Security CCS7411 - Social Computing  CCS4621 - Advanced Networking CIT7311 - Information System Security 
02/02/2025SunCIT7311 - Information System Security CCS6611 - Communications Network CCS3631 - Mobile and Wireless Fundamentals    
03/02/2025MonCCS7411 - Social Computing  CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security CIT5631 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking  CCS6611 - Communications Network 
04/02/2025TueCCS4621 - Advanced Networking CCS3631 - Mobile and Wireless Fundamentals CIT5631 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking     
05/02/2025WedCCS6611 - Communications Network CIT5631 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking     CIT7311 - Information System Security 
06/02/2025ThuCIT5631 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking  CCS6611 - Communications Network CCS3631 - Mobile and Wireless Fundamentals CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security 
07/02/2025FriCCS7411 - Social Computing  CCS3631 - Mobile and Wireless Fundamentals CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security CCS4621 - Advanced Networking 
08/02/2025Sat   CIT7311 - Information System Security CCS7411 - Social Computing     
09/02/2025SunCCS4621 - Advanced Networking          


Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (06/02/2025 09:10)