01/02/2025 | Sat | CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security | | | | | CCS4621 - Advanced Networking | | | |
02/02/2025 | Sun | CIT6021 - Digital Analytics Website Design and Google Analytics | | CCS6611 - Communications Network | | CCS3631 - Mobile and Wireless Fundamentals | | CCS7411 - Social Computing |
03/02/2025 | Mon | CIT5631 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking | | CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security | | CIT6021 - Digital Analytics Website Design and Google Analytics | | CCS6611 - Communications Network |
04/02/2025 | Tue | | | | CCS3631 - Mobile and Wireless Fundamentals | | CIT5631 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking | | CCS4621 - Advanced Networking |
05/02/2025 | Wed | CIT6021 - Digital Analytics Website Design and Google Analytics | | CIT5631 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking | | | | | CIT7311 - Information System Security |
06/02/2025 | Thu | CIT5631 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking | | CCS6611 - Communications Network | | CCS3631 - Mobile and Wireless Fundamentals | | CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security |
07/02/2025 | Fri | CCS3631 - Mobile and Wireless Fundamentals | | CCS6611 - Communications Network | | CIT3311 - Computer and Network Security | | CCS4621 - Advanced Networking |
08/02/2025 | Sat | CIT6021 - Digital Analytics Website Design and Google Analytics | | | | | | | | | |
09/02/2025 | Sun | | | | | | | CCS4621 - Advanced Networking | | | |
| 08:00-09:00 | 09:00-10:00 | Break | 10:30-11:30 | 11:30-12:30 | Lunch | 14:00-15:00 | 15:00-16:00 | Evening | 17:00-18:00 | 18:00-19:00 | 19:00-20:00