Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

SMS1901d:SMS1901 - Introduction to management Group 2  (2/2)
(C) BME11a:BME11a - Bachelor of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation First Year Returning Students Tue [08:00-09:00]...[09:00-10:00]   (2)
(R) Gym:Gymnasium/Exam Hall - George Sokota Building
(C) BDS11:BDS11 - Bsc in Developments Studies First Year
(C) BFI11:BFI11 - BSc in Finance and Investment Mgt First Year
(C) BBC11:BBC11 - Bachelor of Computing with Business First Year
(C) BPS11:BPS11 - Bachelor of Science in Procurement and Supplies First Year
(C) BSA11:BSA11 - Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Online First Year
(C) BSAC11:BSAC11 - Bacelor of Science in Accounting First Year
(C) BME11:BME11 - Bachelor of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation First Year
(C) BHR11:BHR11 - Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management First Year
(L) GKM:Geoffrey Mweshi K (Dr)


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