Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

Room 121/122 - First Floor (Levy Mwanawasa) [r21_22.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
FTPTMonSMS3751- Project Management BBF1201 - Introduction to Investments SLA4331 - Jurisprudence  SMS4922 - Strategic Management
FTPTTueSLA4411 - Intellectual Property Law SEC1171 - Introduction to Microeconomics  SMS4451 - Leadership and Organisational Behaviour SLA5652 - Legal Aspects of International Finance
FTPTWedSLA4331 - Jurisprudence SMS3751- Project Management BBF1201 - Introduction to InvestmentsSMS1701 - Principles of Project Management BBF5101 - International Banking and Finance
FTPTThuSLA1201 - Constitution and Basic Human Rights SMS4451 - Leadership and Organisational Behaviour SEC1171 - Introduction to Microeconomics  SMS3751- Project Management
FTPTFriCCS3211 - Software Requirements Engineering  SLA3262 - Commercial Law 2 SLA3272 - Company Law  BBA1202 - Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
FTPTSatCCS3211 - Software Requirements Engineering  SMS4451 - Leadership and Organisational Behaviour       

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.5 (20/03/2024 12:31)