Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
sem1 ftpt tb2025 v2.mfw  

Room 115/116 - First Floor Levy Mwanawasa [r15_16.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
 MonBAC3101 - Financial Reporting CIT3441 - Human Computer Interaction CIT2641 - Introduction to DatabasesCIT1142 - Emerging Trends in IT BAC3101 - Financial Reporting
 TueCCS1501 - Engineering Mathematics Group 2 BAC3101 - Financial Reporting SMS3911 - Organisational Management   BAC4301/BAC5302 - Corporate Finance
 WedCCS2131 - Data Structures and Algorithms SMS4451 - Leadership and Organisational BehaviourCCS1401 - Computing and ICT Skills Group 1CIT3441 - Human Computer InteractionCIT2641 - Introduction to Databases SLA2151 - Constitutional and Administrative
 Thu   CCS2131 - Data Structures and Algorithms CIT3341 - e-Commerce and SecurityBAC1201 - Cost Accounting Group 2 SLA4311 - Directed Research
 FriSMS4451 - Leadership and Organisational Behaviour CCS1401 - Computing and ICT Skills Group 2 CIT1142 - Emerging Trends in IT   CCS1601 - IoT Fundamentals: Connecting Things
 Sat   SMS3911 - Organisational Management (Parttime) BAC4311 - Financial Modelling and Forecasting (Parttime)SLA4411 - Intellectual Property Law (Parttime)   


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