Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

Room 005/006 - Ground Floor Levy Mwanawasa [r05_06.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
FTPTMonSLA1101 - Introduction to Law BBA1111 - Selling and Sales Management SMS3911 - Organisational Management  BBF3201 - Investment and Portfolio Management/Portfolio Management
FTPTTueSMS1261 - Introduction to Sociology SLA3302 - Pension Law BAC3501 - Advanced Taxation  SLA3251 - Employment and Labour Relations
FTPTWedCCS311 - Dynamic Website SLA3241 - Land Law SLA3551 - Law in Financial Services/Law in Banking   SEC6211 - Public Finance
FTPTThuCCS311 - Dynamic Website SMS3911 - Organisational Management BAC3501 - Advanced Taxation  SMS1261 - Introduction to Sociology
FTPTFriSMS1261 - Introduction to Sociology CCS321 - Information Systems Analysis CIT2351 - Network Design and Security  SMS3191 - Managing Strategic Risk
FTPTSatBBA6301 - Project Finance CCS311 - Dynamic Website       

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.5 (20/03/2024 12:31)