Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

Lab207 - Second Floor Levy Mwanawasa [lab207.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
 MonSMS3591 - Urbanisation & Urban Policy CCS141 - Introduction to Computer Science SMS4081 - Teaching Methods 3CIT3341 - e-Commerce and Security CIT5611 - Cyber Law and Ethics
 TueSEC4161 - Monetary Economics CCS4621 - Advanced Networking CIT2371 - Data SecuritySMS4081 - Teaching Methods 3 CCS5421 - Internet of Things
 WedCIT4251 - Strategic Management of IT CIT4251 - Strategic Management of IT CCS4621 - Advanced NetworkingCIT261 - Databases CIT5631 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking
 ThuCCS4711 - Cryptography and Applications SLA4351 - International Trade Law CCS4801 - Software Research Tools and TechniquesCCS1501 - Engineering Mathematics Group 1 Tutorial CAS5821 - Mathematical Foundations of Data Science
 FriCCS4801 - Software Research Tools and Techniques CIT2371 - Data Security CCS141 - Introduction to Computer ScienceSLA4411 - Intellectual Property Law CIT5641 - Distributed Data Management


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