Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

Gabriel Kapumpe (Mr) [gk.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
 MonCIT2351 - Network Design and Security CIT4351 - CCNA CYBER Security Operations        
 Tue   CIT381 - Professional and Career Development in IT        
 WedCIT2351 - Network Design and Security CIT221 - E-Business   CIT4351 - CCNA CYBER Security Operations   
 ThuCIT221 - E-Business    CIT381 - Professional and Career Development in ITCCS3241 - Software Quality Assurance Testing   
 FriCCS3241 - Software Quality Assurance Testing         CIT2351 - Network Design and Security
 SatCCS3241 - Software Quality Assurance Testing    CIT4351 - CCNA CYBER Security Operations     


Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (27/03/2025 10:00)