Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

CIT4541b:CIT4541 - Multimedia Systems  (2/2)
(R) Lab204:Lab204 - Second Floor Levy Mwanawasa Fri [14:00-15:00]...[15:00-16:00]   (2)
(C) BScDS41:BScDS41 - BSc in Data Science Year Four
(C) BBC41:BBC41 - Bachelor of Computing with Business Fourth Year
(C) BCE41:BCE41 - Bachelor of Computing With Education Fourth Year
(C) BScNE41:BScNE41 - Bachelor of Science in Networking Engineering Fourth Year
(C) BScSE41:BScSE41 - Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering Fourth Year
(C) BscSC41 :BscSC41 - Bachelor of Science on Computer Science Fourth Year
(L) CK_FT:Chimanga Kashale (Mr)


Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (27/03/2025 10:00)