Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

BScIT21-FT/PT Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Second Year (FT/PT) [bscit21-ft_pt.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
FTPTMonCIT2241 - Business Information Systems (Group 1)      CIT2641 - Introduction to Databases Labs (Group 2) CIT2641 - Introduction to Databases
FTPTTueCCS2121 - Object Oriented Programming CCS2301 - Operating Systems Concepts CIT2241 - Business Information Systems Tutorial (Group 1)CCS2301 - Operating Systems Concepts Labs (Group 2)   
FTPTWedCIT2641 - Introduction to Databases    CCS2301 - Operating Systems Concepts    
FTPTThuCIT2241 - Business Information Systems (Group 1) CCS2121 - Object Oriented Programming   CCS2121 - Object Oriented Programming Lab (Group 2) CCS2121 - Object Oriented Programming
FTPTFri   CIT2641 - Introduction to Databases     CIT2241 - Business Information Systems
FTPTSatCCS2301 - Operating Systems Concepts          

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.5 (20/03/2024 12:31)