Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

BME41 - Bachelor of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation Fourth Year [bme41.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
 Mon   SEC4591 - Project Appraisal, Planning and Development    SMS4381 - Industrial Relations BBA4511 - Research Methods
 Tue   SMS4381 - Industrial Relations SEC4591 - Project Appraisal, Planning and Development    SEC4591 - Project Appraisal, Planning and Development (Parttime)
 Wed      SEC4181 - Sustainable Economic Growth and DevelopmentSMS4391 - Performance Audit   
 ThuBBA4511 - Research Methods       SEC4181 - Sustainable Economic Growth and Development   
 Fri   BBA4511 - Research Methods    SMS4391 - Performance Audit   
 SatSEC4181 - Sustainable Economic Growth and Development (Parttime) SMS4381 - Industrial Relations (Parttime) SMS4391 - Performance Audit (Parttime)     


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