Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
timetable semester 2 2024.mfw  

Brian Mutale (Mr) [bm_pt.ics]
(Tue - Sat)
 08:00-09:0009:00-10:00Break10:30-11:3011:30-12:30Lunch14:00-15:0015:00-16:0016:00-17:30 Part-Time17:30-19:0019:00-20:00
 Tue   CCS3622 - Telecommunication and WAN CIT1342 - Introduction to Security and Crime Science   CIT3372 - CCNA Security
 WedCIT1342 - Introduction to Security and Crime Science           
 ThuCCS3622 - Telecommunication and WAN CIT3372 - CCNA Security CIT3372 - CCNA SecurityCIT372 - Network Security and Cryptography   
 FriCIT372 - Network Security and Cryptography         CCS3622 - Telecommunication and WAN
 SatCIT372 - Network Security and Cryptography CIT1342 - Introduction to Security and Crime Science        
 08:00-09:0009:00-10:00Break10:30-11:3011:30-12:30Lunch14:00-15:0015:00-16:0016:00-17:30 Part-Time17:30-19:0019:00-20:00

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (24/09/2024 11:32)