Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

BBA41 - Bachelor of Business Administration Fourth Year Completing Students [bba41a.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
 Mon   SMS4922 - Strategic Management        
 Tue        SEC4162 - Public Finance   
 WedSEC4162 - Public Finance SMS4451 - Leadership and Organisational Behaviour        
 Thu      SMS4922 - Strategic Management   SMS4922 - Strategic Management
 FriSMS4451 - Leadership and Organisational Behaviour         BBA4232 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Parttime)
 SatSMS4451 - Leadership and Organisational Behaviour (Parttime) SEC4162 - Public Finance (Parttime)        


Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (27/03/2025 10:00)