Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
timetable semester 2 2024.mfw  

BAF12-FT/PT Bachelor of Accounting & Finance First Year (Returning) FT/PT [baf12-ft_pta.ics]
(Mon - Sat)
 08:00-09:0009:00-10:00Break10:30-11:3011:30-12:30Lunch14:00-15:0015:00-16:0016:00-17:30 Part-Time17:30-19:0019:00-20:00
 Mon     CAS1282 - Introduction to Quantitative Methods Tutorial Group 1BAC1302 - Introduction to FinanceCAS1282 - Introduction to Quantitative Methods Group 1   
 Tue   BAC1102 - Principles of Accounting Group 1      BAC1102 - Principles of Accounting
 WedSEC1172 - Introduction to Economics Group 1 CAS1282 - Introduction to Quantitative Methods Tutorial Group 2   CAS1282 - Introduction to Quantitative Methods Group 1   
 Thu   BAC1102 - Principles of Accounting Group 1 BAC1302 - Introduction to Finance   BAC1302 - Introduction to Finance
 FriSEC1172 - Introduction to Economics Group 1         CAS1282 - Introduction to Quantitative Methods
 Sat      SEC1172 - Introduction to Economics Parttime     
 08:00-09:0009:00-10:00Break10:30-11:3011:30-12:30Lunch14:00-15:0015:00-16:0016:00-17:30 Part-Time17:30-19:0019:00-20:00

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (12/09/2024 16:05)